Why Does Our Logo Lean?
We Are Wired for Story Stories are universal. Years ago; stories are what kept us alive, dangers and life lessons were embedded into tales engaging a listener rather than dryly administering data and ...
Why You Do What You Do
When the developUs team finds valuable content that resonates with leaders and teams, we get excited about sharing it! We just read an excellent article published by TTISI; they’re the folks who creat ...
When Life Gives You Cold Coffee
On a recent Dunkin’ Donuts coffee run, I was waiting somewhat patiently for my daily cup of coffee (large, decaf, triple milk, no sugar) when a valuable leadership lesson presented itself right there ...
A Tale of Two Stories
A few weeks ago, a former colleague and friend of mine shared a post about passion. At its end, he asked people to share what they are passionate about. I love this question and how he framed it. It w ...