DISC Assessments in Recruitment and Onboarding
Understanding DISC: The Most Popular Assessment Tool DISC very well may be the world’s most popular assessment tool. But despite its popularity, most practitioners and organizations fail to go past ...
PODCAST: “Feedback as a Gift?” – Interview with Kelly Irons
“The Paul Cast” is a podcast radio show focused on influencing human behavior to help companies drive results and connect with their various business audiences. Though it may classify as an oldie b ...
Thresholds: The Key to Harmony
I’ve got a theory. Not a theory like the theory of relatively, but in some ways, not far off. My theory is this: Every conflict has its roots in a difference of thresholds. Think about it: you’re f ...
Three Word 360
Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, someone told me that the three words I wanted people to use to describe me were the three words I should use to describe myself. Somehow, as if by Jedi mind ...
What’s Your Wattage?
If you’ve ever held a light bulb on a string, you know that the closer it is to the ground, the smaller, the circle of light. As the bulb moves upwards, the circle of light gets wider but dimmer ...
Difficult Conversations
Some time ago we hired a contract content marketing guru to help us get set up to run email marketing campaigns. We have all of these amazing programs that we were delivering to our private corpora ...
Leadership CheckUp: Shift Don’t Drift
Back in the day I worked with a guy who spoke about “practical drift.” The concept is this: you set out on one course and there are obstacles, currents, winds, and other situations that lead you ...
It’s All About Control
I’ve been called a control freak. If you read my DISC profile, you’d understand why. My ex-husband to this day will quote me during my moments of control freak-ness, saying, “You’re not pi ...
Five Little Words
Long ago, I was asked to speak at graduation. As a young woman, I had received multiple awards for academic and athletic performance but was not entirely comfortable with the ceremonies attached to th ...
You Can’t Outsource Management Responsibility
Here at developUs, we build and deliver training. It’s what we do. Our work exists because so few leaders within corporate organizations have time to focus on training. How do we know?&n ...